Tips For Dealing Deuteronomy

Thursday 26 May 2016

In the near future, I will face a repeat grade. for overcoming it , we must prepare the things we need before restating the class rise .

Here I have some tips that hopefully can be useful for all of you who will face a repeat of the increase in class or regular daily tests . Okay go see below :

1. intention

Intention is the first thing I will discuss this time . with the strong intention then you will also be determined to face the replay . in a Hadith also mentioned that all the actions it depends on his intentions. so now begin intention and determined to face the replay later.

2. Focus learning

The focus of learning is one of the activities in which you focus on your learning activities . focus on learning is also a good thing that you can do before the replay later.

3. Get enough rest

Who here ever time replay even sleepy. nah you should leave the bad things so that you become a good value because you focus replications. rest enough and do not let you feel fatigue. the impact you will experience when replay is running.

4. Read the note you back

Kembail read or review the material obviously you have to do. there are a few important notes in a notebook. so grab and re-read the materials that you recorded. but do not just read me, do not forget to understand the material you record. This functions to add your insight regarding your material.

5. Leave credits (night racing system)

This habit is a bad habit that is usually done by some students. mainly I've done this system. but not for sleeping yes. better learn a little bit but once aware of the reading material but do not understand at all the content of the material.

Well I guess that much any tips from me, may be useful and hopefully you get the best value when replay later.


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